They say that the first step to change is to admit that you have a problem. So here goes:
Hello, my name is Lacey. I am a stress eater/shopper.
Now, this is a problem that I have known about for quite some time and it may be evident to those around me, but saying it out loud (in print for that matter) is a big step. You see when Iam feeling stressed out, insecure, upset, or recieve bad news (even just a little bit bad), I am overcome with the urge to consume LARGE amounts of sugar and caffiene and spend a lot of money on "things that make me feel good" in laymans terms that means SHOES and occasionally other clothing and accessories. Ok, more than occasionally. Get off my back about it. ;)
I noticed the problem recently as the cashier at the grocery store put 8 candy bars and a bag of skittles in their own little bag and handed them right to me winking and saying, "The most important thing..." Not missing a beat, I replied, "Ah, my little bag of sanity." Sure, it seems funny, but only cause you know it's true!
The plot thickened when I got a bit of disappointing news earlier today (don't worry everything is fine), and instantly went to my Amazon Universal Wishlist and perused my favorite items trying to decide which boots would be best for fall. I don't probably need new boots, even though my feet did grow half a size with Bennett. But I want new boots. I have it narrowed down to 3 pair. I know I shouldn't spend the money. And the only thing that is keeping me from getting onto and ordering a pair is this blog and the overwhelming sense of guilt that I know I will feel if I do make the order. Plus I don't know which ones I really want yet. Maybe I should go into the store and try them on. Oh crap- you hear that....that was my addiction talking, right out there for everyone to hear (read).
So far I haven't broken down and bought anything. Nothing is on sale so it makes it a bit easier to resist. (Sales and bad news, well, thats just too much) I did just eat two mini Butterfingers though, and have the urge to raid the cupboards for more delicious chocolatey goodness. Well, I guess admitting the problem is not really helping since now I just feel like eating and buying MORE! What a dreadful cycle. Guess it is time to distract myself by changing a dirty diaper. Hoo-ray.