Friday, December 12, 2008

First Appointment

Yesterday was my first OB appointment for this time around. I'm happy to report I got a prescription for anti-nausea meds! Hooray! Other than that it was the usual go rounds of drawing blood (which took forever thanks to my tiny insignificant veins) and general physical exams. No actual weight gain as of yet, although my tummy already sticks out a bit due to lack of muscle tone and two previous pregnancies. We listened for the heartbeat twice but since my uterus is tilted backwards (it has always been that way - no cause for concern) it made it impossible. So we are going back for another listen in two weeks (yep, Christmas Eve). I think hearing the babies little ticker would make for an excellent Christmas present. Other than that there is little to report. The kids and I are making Christmas candy (and rapidly eting it) and looking forward to the festivities to come.


Kaelene Reel said...

Good to hear things are going well. Your little worm is taking better shape every week. When ever Caitrin is hanging over my shoulder, she keeps asking for that toy. I try to explain that it's a baby. Yea, she doesn't understand, just wants to play with it. :)

Jen said...

Hope your morning sickness is getting better!