Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Well, since new years day things have definately calmed down here a bit.. Rob was sick for a couple of weeks (so of course we treated him like he had the plague) but he is feeling better now. My nausea has finally let up a bit; however the last few weeks I have been experiencing the worst headaches I have ever had in my life. I don't usually get headaches and didn't much in previous pregnancies so bad for me might not really be that bad - but hey it hurts! Zoe is back in school and the girls are up to their normal mischief.

Big Girl Potty-
I have been intermittently trying to interest Sydney in the potty and she seems excited about the idea. So one afternoon I put her in "big girl panties" and vowed to take her to the bathroom every 20 minutes or so. Of course , 10 minutes later she says "Mommy, I'm peeing!" so i haul her to the bathroom as fast as I can and put her on the toilet so she can get the idea. We clean her up and put on a whole new outfit. 10 minutes later, it happened again, exactly the same as before. Trying to be patient and encouraging, I clean and change her again. A few minutes go by and nothing...nap time rolled around and we went back to the diaper for sleeping. We had one more accident around dinner time. I felt terrible the next two days and didnt even go there (way to be consistent I know). On the third day though she says, "Mommy I need to pee!" so I check to see if she has already gone. She had not. So I take her to the bathroom and walk out of the room to check on something. She screams "Mommy, I DID IT!" So I checked and she had. Small miracles. Of course, we haven't been that lucky again yet, but I'm feeling hopeful.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yea Sydney, good job.
Yea to you to Mom.

I love you all,