Thursday, June 17, 2010

Are you talking to me?

*I will be using this heading for "Conversations" (Thank you, K!) that take place in my daily life that I find entertaining enough to share. To start, this one will be a double:

Setting: A few days ago in my kitchen/dining area, Sharlene is doing homework on her laptop at the kitchen table as I am scrubbing the cooktop and running the dishwasher.

Sharlene: The smell in here reminds me of the holidays.

Lacey: Really? I smell bleach and melting plastic.

(Hmmmm. WTF??????)


Setting: In the car on the way to swimming lessons. Discussing birthdays which inevitably led to questions about the birth of each of the kids.

Zoe: Did Daddy hold your hand when you were pushing us out? (yep, we have had that conversation)

Mommy: No, I was afraid that I would break Daddy's arm if he touched me so he just kinda stood there and cheered me on.

Zoe: Nanny took care of us while you were in the hospital.

Mommy: Yep, she sure did. That was awefully nice of her wasn't it?

Zoe: When you were in the hospital, was Dr. Suess there?

This is the point when I got the giggles so hard I could no longer speak. I hearby issue an apology to any drivers on the road at the time - not sure how that was going, cause my attention was fully in the car. In all fairness, she meant to inquire about my OB who she has met many times but just got the names confused.


Kaelene Reel said...

That's awesome!! Since smell is the strongest sensor to trigger memories, you might ask Sharlene about her childhood holidays and what happened? :)

Lacey said...

After we had a good laugh we determined that it was because the melting plastic smelled kinda like candles and Sharlene usually does a lot of the clean up during the holidays (which are usually at our house)so it's not that suprising.