Thursday, September 18, 2008

Whats been going on

Took the kids to the state fair on Tuesday. They had a blast. Zoe rode all the rides that she was tall enough to get on. Thankfully the only fit that we had was because she got "frusterated"-her word- that she couldn't ride on one of the other rides. In other news I had ear "surgery" today. Had another tube placed in my right ear, so now I can hear. Yay for hearing! Now my children seem even louder than they did before, hmm now I think I need earplugs for at least part of the time in order to keep my sanity...but that could just be the left over drugs talking. Speaking of drugs, the anethstesia provided me with a much needed nap - I'm thinking about getting surgery weekly. Hm. I'm starving.........

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