Friday, May 8, 2009


Since I am due the first week of July and my daughters birthdays are mid-late july (18th &21st), I thought it would be wise to get as much birthday stuff done in advance as possible. So I have their joint birthday party all planned out and as much put together as I can and I have bought nearly all of their birthday presents. Don't tell her, but this year Sydney is finally getting some dress up stuff of her own (instead of having to borrow Zoe's stuff all the time). I thought it would be fun to make dress up trunk of sorts to put all of the dress up stuff in - it takes up so much space in their room. So being a crafty one I ventured to the Goodwill and picked up an old hard case Samsonite suitcase, cleaned it up, and mod podged it with some scrapbook paper, stickers, and other whatnot that I had lying around. Here are the results (both sides) :

I am really pretty happy with the results. I hope she likes it and all the fun stuff I put inside! Just thought I would share this small triumph with any who wish to see it and pass the idea on to any other crafty folk who might have need of a dress up trunk / suitcase.

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