Monday, June 22, 2009


Hanging in here. 2 weeks til baby. At my last doctors appointment I still hadn't made any progress - not that I had expected any. So we scheduled an induction for July 7th, 2009. In the event that the baby decides to stay put until then (pretty likely if you ask me - my kids are stubborn and not a one has come out before they were made to) then that will be his birthday! Hooray!

Father's day went nicely. The girls got Rob a lego airplane kit and a couple of movies. Sue (Rob's mom) sent him some of his baby things and the memories that went with them which was kind of emotional. I plan to put them up in the babies room, not exactly antiques but old (just kidding Rob) and well loved. Shar (Rob's sister) came over and we all went to Red Robin for dinner- Yum.

The other day we (Rob and I and the girls) made a cast of my pregnant belly. Actually, I sat, Rob cast, and the girls took pictures and asked a million questions. That was pretty fun.

Other than that we have just been trying to keep busy while we wait for the big day.

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