Sunday, June 28, 2009

Growing up.....more

Zoe lost another tooth last night! Now she is missing the front bottom two teeth and looks like a whole different kid. She also got to move her booster seat to the back row of the van to make way for the babies carseat. She is feeling super cool, which of course she is.


Kaelene Reel said...

Both mine lost a tooth this past week. Since we don't do the tooth fairy, they keep asking when they get their money.. I told them they are going to send me to the poor house. The bigger the tooth, the more money. It stinks that they grow up so fast.. I hear ya.

Jen said...

Uh...where's your baby? If he's arriving in the summer, he could at least have the decency to make an early appearance, right? :)

Lacey said...

You would think so right. But my kids stay in until the last possible second. He hasn't even dropped yet. We are inducing on the 7th (Tuesday). Hooray!