Monday, July 6, 2009


Tommorrow is my induction date. The day I will give birth to my third and final child. So today I wait. Waiting is nothing new, I feel as if I have been waiting for a very long time. However something about waiting changes when you know that the end is near, very near. My body and mind, which up until this point supported me in the "let's get a move on" camp are suddenly a jumble of feelings so inexplicable and deeply tangled that there is really no explaination for the way I feel. The other thing is I really can't think of anything that I want to do to pass the time. I'm sure there are plenty of things to occupy me, yet my ability to concentrate on any singular task has all but disappeared. So here I go marching into a day that I am sure will end in a night of restless sleep . Hopefully those sharing my space make it through unscathed by my hormonal moodiness and whacko anticipatory behavior.


Anne said...

We are rooting for you!! Best wishes for tomorrow!

Kaelene Reel said...

I thought it was worse knowing what day I was having the baby. Trent was "scheduled", and I hated it. Even though I knew what was coming, I still like being blind sighted. I hope everything goes smooth.

Lacey said...

I wouldn't know. Every time I hope to be suprised but everytime my stubborn children must be forcibly removed from the comfort of my womb. I think it makes me a bit more of a head case knowing when they are coming, but what can you do ,right? Thanks for the well wishes. I will let you all know how it goes.

Jen said...

It must be nice in there! :) Good luck. Prayers for a safe delivery.

mandy said...

Hopefully that beautiful new baby is here safe and sound and all the waiting is over!