Thursday, July 16, 2009

Week One

Week one with Bennett has been, well, let's call it surreal. Rob and I keep looking at each other and asking "are we really doing this again?" Most of having a newborn is familiar, but Ben has his own set of quirks and things. Still trying to figure him out (it's only been a week - we aren't rocket scientists here you know). He is a great little sleeper when his diaper is clean and his tummy is full (barring any gas complications) he will sleep for a good four hours at a stretch. Of course being a baby he doesn't always pick the ideal four hour stretches and we still have sleepless nights, just like any other new parents. No health problems or troubles nursing thank God.
The girls think he is really cool, kind of like a new toy. Zoe loves to hold him and will at any oppertunity. Of course, then Sydney also wants to hold him - but only for about 10 seconds then she is done. Being the big helpers that they are they hover near every diaper change and race to pick out a new outfit or grab a burp cloth.
As smooth as it is all going so far, I can't help but be mindboggled trying to think of us as a family of five and the fact that I have a son makes my eyes all misty (blaming it on the hormones).
In other news, we are preparing for a big weekend of birthdays. We are starting off celebrating mine on friday (its really monday, but since Sue is leaving on sunday and shar has such a long drive from her house to ours we are moving it for convenience). Nothing too major here (just trying not to think about how my twenties are flashing before my eyes). Then Saturday is the big Tinkerbell party for both of the girls. It is actually Syd's 3rd birthday. Zoe turns 5 on tuesday. Mindblowing to have a 3 and 5 year old and a newborn. Scarry!!!

1 comment:

Kaelene Reel said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hopefully you can enjoy a lil piece of your day. Have a good one.