Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Where I've been...

So about three weeks ago my computer monitor decided not to work anymore. This after everything else in the house also broke (wine fridge, blender, clothes dryer, toilet.....we aren't going to mention the scratched up car.....) So I haven't been able to do any computer related stuff including download pictures or update the blog since then. Now that Rob has returned from his month long TDY I can use his laptop to do somethings but still no pictures until we come up with a more permanent solution to our monitor problem. Everyone is very excited that Daddy is back. We have been keeping busy here and are on countdown until the baby arrives, 20 days until the due date is you haven't been keeping track, (if you ask me that can't happen soon enough - its hot and I'm uncomfortable!) The girls are doing good. Zoe is out of school and summer camp and is now just doing swimming lessons. She also has two loose teeth that she is pretty excited to lose. Sydney is still working on potty training and has been doing pretty good. Both girls are excited about the arrival of their baby brother and their upcoming birthdays as well as an impending visit from Nanny. July is going to be a very busy month around here. I will try to keep posting even without pictures and then there will be lots of catch up once our monitor issues are solved.

1 comment:

Kaelene Reel said...

I hear you. My laptop LCD screen went out and I'm still waiting to hear from the repair shop to say it's fixed.. But I can still check everyone out from my office computer or via my phone. I was starting to wonder about you... glad to hear that you are still hanging in there.